Posts Tagged With: Security

WordPress Monthly Maintenance – Security, Backups and Updates
I came across an interesting article today at EfficientWP about WordPress Monthly Maintenance. They talk about the three options people have with maintaining a (WordPress) website: do nothing, hire someone, DIY. I just want to talk a bit about each of those and how I can help you with the maintenance dilemma!

Why You Need to Switch to HTTPS Today!
2017. Wow. The WWW has come a long way. Remember how SSL certificates used to cost money? Yep, you can now get them for free! But even if you couldn’t…you should still be using HTTPS. Here’s why!

How to Secure a WordPress Site Properly
So as we know, I love using WordPress! But as with all software, you need to ensure it is secure! In this post I will go over how to secure a WordPress site properly! I will go over ways you can secure your on site pages such as your admin dashboard and also ways you can secure your server if you are using a VPS or Dedicated server.